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Our Constitution



African Gemstone Brokers – It is a voluntary group that aims to carry out various Mineral, economic and social activities for the welfare of its members. This group has been officially established on 11 November 2023

Together the members promise to protect and implement this constitution.

Along with this Constitution, this Group will be run according to various rules that will be set by the members.




This group will be known as African Gemstone Brokers

The address of this group will be the mailbox P.O. Box 189, Arusha, Tanzania

The address of the residence which is the Headquarters of this Group will be – Arusha


According to this Constitution, the following words will have the following meaning;

(i) Member: Any person who meets the criteria to become a member

(ii) Active member: A member who fulfills the conditions to be a member in accordance with this constitution.

(iii) Rules: Guidelines for how the group operates

(iv) Group: This institution established in accordance with the constitution which is recognized.

(v) Problems: It means disasters and problems that will be identified by the Chairman in accordance with this constitution.

(vi) Discipline: Any act that conflicts with this Constitution and its principles.



African Gemstone Brokers is a group of buyers and sellers of all types of minerals found in and outside of Tanzania.


This group exists to fulfill or implement the following.

(i) Collaborate to do various Economic and Social projects for the development of the group and member welfare

(ii) Establishing a group deposit and loan fund. – A PURSE

(iii) Cooperate and help each other in times of trouble and happiness.

(iv) Group members to empower each other in strengthening their income conditions to be able to have a better life.

(v) Facilitating financially the individual activities of individual Group Members in accordance with the Terms and Conditions that will have been met by all Group Members.


In order to achieve the Group’s expectations, it will do the following.

  • Establishing a specific procedure of FINANCIAL DONATIONS for group members, if it is the basis of the source of income.
  • Designing various projects that will be managed and run by the group members themselves or even with technical support from outside the group.
  • Strengthening Cooperation with Group Members with various challenges such as; Illnesses, Disasters, Weddings and Celebrations, Natural Disasters and other similar events.

Those procedures will be part of this Constitution.



There will be the following two types of membership which are;

3.1.1. Regular Member

It is any person who has fulfilled all the procedures to join this Group or Union in accordance with its Constitution and Regulations, including paying the appropriate Fees and Contributions.

3.1.2. Honorary Member

Awarded Member is any Person who will be awarded membership through the decisions or resolution of the General Meeting in appreciation of the Contribution made by that Person or who will continue to make it for the development and effectiveness of the Goals of the Group or this Union.

3.2.1 Qualifications to be a Member

(i) Must be at least 18 years old.

(ii) Be willing and ready to become a member

(iii) Be willing to participate fully in group activities

(iv) He should be of sound mind.

(v) Be willing to obey and follow the conditions specified in the Constitution and Rules of the group

(vi) Be prepared to pay the entrance fee as well as the monthly membership fee.

3.3.1 Member Rights

(i) Expressing his opinion freely without using obscene or offensive language.

(ii) Choosing or being chosen in any leadership position in the Group

(iii) Communicating with the Leadership/Leaders including receiving and providing information about this Group or Union.

(iv) To attend and/or represent in any matter concerning the Group in accordance with the procedures and regulations established in accordance with this Constitution.

(v) To be given the opportunity to express himself and defend himself when he is faced with any accusations against him in this union.

(vi) Using the Group’s Assets in accordance with the procedure and Rules of this Union.

(vii) He has the right to present his argument and be heard when participating in discussions at the meetings.

(viii) Understand the income and expenditure of the Group by using and complying with the Rules.

(ix) To be helped when a problem occurs.

3.3.2 Member Responsibilities.

  • To protect and defend this constitution at all times.
  • To carry out the duties given to him by leaders or fellow members.
  • Participating in all group activities in accordance with this constitution, including legal meetings of this Union.
  • Paying fees as well as various contributions to be passed by this Group or Union.
  • To spread the good qualities of this Union.
  • To obey and follow the instructions and resolutions of the valid Meeting/Meetings of this Union, even if he is not present at the Meeting, or did not participate in passing the resolution.
  • Be disciplined during meetings or any other group activities.
  • To keep all the secrets of this Union
  • Not disrespecting the religion of another
  • Do not send political matters to the group.
  • Do not post inappropriate photos in the group
  • Using polite language in the group.



Each Member will have to pay the Membership fee as specified in Article 3.4.1.(b) and (c) of this Constitution.


A member who had information about the establishment of the group and did not join at that time, if he wants to join later, he will be required to pay the entrance and all the contributions since the group started until it reached, then he will be able to be accepted as a member.


 Each Member will be responsible for submitting any other contribution that will be decided to be raised in order to meet the expectations of this Union as specified in article 2.3 of this Constitution and the amount that will be determined.


There will be voluntary contributions in which a person is not forced but can donate property or money at his own will for the purpose of building and developing the Group.

3.4.2 Termination of Membership.

A member may cease to be a member in the following circumstances:

(i) Voluntary resignation by giving a written notice to the chairman one week before and if he has the assets of the Group he will have to return then he will be accepted from, but he will not be returned any donations or assets he gave for the Group.

(ii) Failure to pay the monthly fee for three consecutive months without any valid reason.

(iii) Absence without notice for three consecutive sessions set in accordance with this constitution without a valid reason.

(iv) Ignoring information that requires his participation in the activities of members.

(v) Loss of reputation due to disciplinary matters

(vi) If a member dies.

(vii) Failure to comply with the Group’s Constitution and Regulations.


A person who has left or been expelled from membership (group membership) may request to rejoin in accordance with the terms of membership in the future and will be required to have at least two guarantors within the group who are alive.                        


If a member ceases due to the criteria mentioned above, he will have lost all his basic rights as a member.



4.1 This group will have the following leaders:-

(i) Chairman

(ii) Vice Chairman

(iii) Secretary

(iv) Assistant Secretary

(v) Treasurer

(vi) Custodian of conscience.

4.2.1 Tasks of Group Leadership.

(i) Supervising the implementation of the decisions of the legitimate meetings of this Group or Union.

(ii) To meet during an emergency and discuss the issue before them and give a decision on behalf of all members.

(iii) Preparing agendas for the general meeting.

(iv) Preparing various information at the general meeting.

(v) Supervise all developmental activities and growth of the institution

(vi) To discuss and work on various matters concerning members or the Group as a whole.



5.1 Functions of the Chairman.

(i) He will be the main spokesperson of the group.

(ii) He shall convene all group meetings.

(iii) He will call an emergency meeting when needed.

(iv) He will chair all meetings of all members.

(v) He will be the Chief Leader of this Group or Union.

5.2 Duties of the Vice Chairman.

(i) He will perform all the duties of the Chairman when the Chairman is not present.

(ii) He will perform all the tasks directed by the Chairman.

(iii) He will be the chief assistant of the Chairman.

5.3 Functions of the Secretary.

(i) He shall be the Chief Executive of the group.

(ii) Preparing agendas for all sessions / Providing information on Sessions.

(iii) He shall write the minutes of all group meetings.

(iv) He will be giving information on the progress of the group once a month

(v) In cooperation with the Chairman, he will be preparing the results of the previous sessions

(vi) He will be the keeper of records and various documents of the group.

(vii) He will be the secretary of the executive committee.

(viii) He will be a member of the Finance and Planning committee.

5.4 Duties of the Assistant Secretary.

  1. He will assist the Secretary in running the day-to-day activities of the group.
  2. He will act as the Secretary when the Secretary is absent.

5.5 Duties of the Treasurer.

(i) He will have a check on the payment of the group members on the MKOBA account.

(ii) He will collect / receive all Group Contributions and issue receipts.

(iii) He will be the custodian of all documents related to financial matters.

(iv) He will report the income and expenditure of the group every three months.

(v) He shall make all lawful payments of the group.

(vi) He will answer all questions related to financial matters.

(viii) He will be a member of the executive committee as well as the Finance and Planning committee.



This group will be led by holding various sessions as follows.

6.1 General Meeting

There will be a general meeting held once a year. In order for this meeting to be held, the number of members who will attend the meeting must not be less than FIFTY percent (50%) of all members who are alive

6.2 Functions of the General Assembly.

(i) Choosing group leaders.

(ii) Receiving income and expenditure information throughout the year.

(iii) To receive information about all the works of the year.

(iv) Making changes or amendments to various articles of the constitution.

(v) To approve the development plans of the group

(vi) Election of leaders if the time has come.


There will be various elections for group leaders, which will be held every

Five (5) years at the Annual General Meeting of the Group. As follows:

7.1 Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the group.

(i) They shall be elected by secret ballot.

(ii) From among the members of the group, three names will be proposed and voted together, where the Chairman and his deputy will be found due to the majority of

vote will be available. Whoever gets more votes than his colleague will be the one

 has been elected as the Chairman of the group and the next with the majority of votes will be Vice President.

7.2 Group Secretary

(i) He shall be elected by secret ballot.

(ii) From among the members of the group, three names will be proposed and voted together. The secretary will be selected based on the number of votes he will get, where the one who gets more votes than his colleague will be elected as the secretary of the group. The one who will be removed by the majority of votes will be the Assistant Secretary

7.3 Group Treasurer

(i) He shall be elected by secret ballot.

(ii) From among the members of the group, three names will be proposed and voted together. The treasurer will be elected based on the number of votes he receives. The person who gets the most votes will be elected the treasurer of the group.

7.4. Limitation of leadership;

A leader may leave office due to the following reasons:

i) Lacking the qualifications to be a member as directed in article 3.4.2 of this constitution.

ii) The members vote of no confidence in the relevant leader and then it will be necessary to call an emergency general meeting where the members will vote and if 2/3 of the votes recommend the leader to leave power then he will step down and an election will be called to fill the vacancy within a day 30.


 8.0 FEES

8.1 There will be various contributions and fees that will be specified in the rules of the group. The contributions and fees are as follows:

  1. Admission for members
  2. Monthly fee for each member
  3. Other fees as determined by the members in accordance with the group’s constitution and rules.


The Group will keep its money in the PURCHASE Fund as will be approved by the Group Management.

Funds will be withdrawn from the account in accordance with the procedures laid down in the financial regulations of group.



Any changes to the constitution will be made after approval by the annual general meeting of the group which is held once a year. Changes will be approved by open voting by more than 50% of all active members. The constitution will be amended and re-approved every three years, or where it appears there is a need to do so.



(i) The group will be dissolved if 80% of the active members vote yes to break up the group at the general meeting of the group.

(ii) In case the group is dissolved by the Registrar of Societies.

(iii) If the group breaks up, each member will have the same right to return his contributions according to the financial situation that will develop. All acquired property will be divided equally among each member.



This constitution has been read, discussed and adopted by all members. And sign on their behalf with:

Group Chairman

Frank Richard Sengo

Group Secretary

Valentin Lawrence Mapunda

Acting secretary

Halfan Mbwambo